An organization refers to a collection of people, who are involved in pursuing defined objectives. It encompasses division of work among employees and alignment of tasks towards the ultimate goal of the company. Every organization has a hierarchy, and everyone has a responsibility to play. Q. What is your responsibility/ role. 

Personal development is getting to know yourself and then working to address your weaknesses and strengthen your strengths. It’s learning to understand your own behaviour and motivations and how your behaviour affects those around you. It consists of activities that develop a person’s capabilities and potential, builds human capital, facilitate employability, and enhance the quality of life and the realization of dreams and aspirations. It is a shift in your mindset that allows you to embark on a meaningful journey of growth and self-reflection. it is a continuous lifelong process of nurturing, shaping and improving skills and knowledge to ensure maximum effectiveness and ongoing employability.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to focus on personal development. No one has your best interest at heart more than you do for yourself, so committing to change your life for the better will be the best thing you can do. The results from focusing on yourself are amazing. You’ll have not only a better relationship with yourself but with those around you.


To start your path toward personal development, consider the following approach.

1. Vision stage (creating a personal vision)

 even if this step is completed for fun, it can help you envision where you want to be both personally and professionally in one month, six months, one year, etc. Setting targets for yourself can keep you motivated and on track. Refer to these goals often to ensure you are taking the necessary steps toward success.

2. Planning stage:

Personal development planning is a structured process that helps to create an action plan for self-improvement, growth, and development.

Now that you have a clear understanding of your ideal life in the future, it’s time to start planning how you can get there. Consider conducting a personal SWOT analysis in which you outline your biggest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Self-reflection is a huge part of personal development, so creating a SWOT analysis is a great way to start thinking in this mindset.

i. The personal development plan should be written down

ii. The personal development planning should be realistic and feasible

iii. The plan should reflect both long-term and short-term perspective

iv.  It should be based on essential values

3. Tracking stage:

Once you have started the improvement process, make sure to keep track of how your progress is going. Keeping some sort of written record of your goals, the steps you are taking to get there, and any roadblocks can help further motivate you to become better. After a few weeks have passed, don’t be afraid to re-evaluate and readjust your goals to better align with your strides in development. Life is full of unexpected circumstances and surprises that may have an impact on your goals or your pacing. Learn to embrace these changes and go with the flow instead of becoming frustrated when a situation doesn’t play out how you expected.

personal development tips

Spend at least 15 to 20 minutes a day talking to your ‘self’. Find out that situation which will fetch you this time – even if it is your bath time

Calm you ‘self’ down for all the hurt feelings it carries

Speak affirmative words to your ‘self’ that would motivate it to travel further the hard way.

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